Blog Series: Bacteria

Blog Series: Bacteria

Hello and welcome to something that I have been wanting to do for quite some time. I will be putting together multiple blog series on specific soil biology & its functions for mainting not only our plants, but many other living organisms, including ourselves! I will be doing it in written form to get all of the major points down, and will also the entire series with recorded talks to dive deeper and offer an easier way of consuming the information!

I will be kicking the series off with one of the most amazing microbial species: Bacteria

When I was in College at Humber, we had to learn how to write a technical report. I was actually failing the technical writing course at the time and the technical report was our final project. I knew that I couldn't let myself fail, plus when I called my parents about it, they said I would be paying to retake the course, so that was motivation enough to pull up my socks. As I found my topic (passive architectural design) and began diving into the research, I found that I couldn't type fast enough. Soon after, I found myself with a beautifully structured document that clearly expressed valuable information, and was very easy to navigate for the reader. I ended up doing so well that I passed the course with almost a 70. Therefore, the structure for the Bacteria series will be as follows:

1.0 Who, What, Why, When & Where

1.1 Who

1.2 What

1.3 Why

1.4 When

1.5 Where

2.0 Good, Bad & In-Between

2.1 Good Bacteria

2.2 Bad Bacteria

2.3 The In-Between

3.0 Bacteria Keeps Us Alive!

3.1 Where Bacteria Lives

3.2 Bacteria & Our Bodies

3.2.1 Our Skin

3.2.2 Gut & Intestinal Tract

3.3 Fermentation

3.3.1 Aerobic (In-Presence Of Oxygen)

3.3.2 Anaerobic (In-Absence of Oxygen)

4.0 Conclusion (Hands On Activities You Can Do At Home)

4.1 Bacteria Is Amazing!

4.2 How To Culture Your Own

I am going to do my absolute best to release a new blog & accompanying video every Monday to get everything off my chest that I want to share with the world about soil! All information provided in these blogs/vlogs are going to be an accumilation of what I have learned over years of fermenting and growing, as well as the beautiful wisdom shared in a book called: Teaming With Microbes by Lowenfels & Lewis. If you haven't heard of these books, check them out! It will honestly change your view of the world, and what is happening right underneath our feet 24/7.  

Without further ado, our next post on Monday will cover the topic of: 1.1 Who

Thank you for reading!



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