Using Diatomaceous Earth; Your best friend when bringing houseplants inside for the winter

Using Diatomaceous Earth; Your best friend when bringing houseplants inside for the winter

Using Diatomaceous Earth; Your best friend when bringing houseplants inside for the winter

Taking indoor plants outside for the summer is such an amazing way to get massive growth on them and develop some unique colours when it comes to fall, for example, Hoyas show some really cool reds and yellows.

At the end of the year however, we have to bring them inside again before the temperatures get too cold at night. Outdoor conditions are much different than indoors not just because of the sunlight, but there are a variety of insects and diseases that can make their way onto/into your plants and soil that you don't necessarily want to bring indoors for the winter. Hydrogen peroxide, diatomaceous earth (DE), insecticidal soap are going to be your best friends here. 

Using Diatomaceous earth for Disease Clean-up and Prevention before bringing your plants indoors after the summer

Do a 4:1 ratio of water to hydrogen peroxide (3% USP) and put it into a spray bottle. For example if you have a 1L (1 quart) spray bottle you’ll add 250ml of hydrogen peroxide. 

Then, add Yucca Extract if you have it handy or a couple drops of a liquid natural soap like Dr. Bronners. It won’t be as effective as Yucca but will get the job done if it’s all you have.

Give them a good shake until foamy and then spray the entire plant down from top to bottom (actually start at the top) and then allow the leaves to fully dry. Fully saturate the soil with this mixture as well to clean up any pathogens that may be in your soil.

Diatomaceous Earth Usage for Pest Clean Up/Prevention

  1. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of DE per litre (quart) of water. 

  2. Add yucca extract or liquid soap and shake/stir well. 

  3. Add to a spray bottle and spray the entire plant down top to bottom just like with the peroxide. 

  4. Allow the leaves to fully dry and let the DE sit on the leaves for 3-5 days at least. 

  5. Make sure it isn’t going to rain during this period of time or you will have to reapply. Morning is best for applying foliar sprays!

  6. Sprinkle a good layer of the DE on top of your soil after you spray the plant down to catch any insects that may have made a home in your soil and try to come out when brought inside! 

  7. Repeat as necessary because you will never burn plants with DE or harm leaves.

Extra precaution: Add insecticide 

Insecticidal soap can be made at home super easy with a few ingredients. What this mixture does is stick to insects and suffocate them. You can add DE as well to make it even more potent! Here is the recipe for this:
>> Click here for our DIY recipe for insecticide 

BONUS: More Eco-friendly Plant Products 

Adding our fertilizer or plant probiotic to the leaves and soil after the hydrogen peroxide cleaning will reintroduce essential bacteria & fungi that will help your plants prevent disease and ensure they get a steady source of nutrients throughout the winter months 👍.

Diatomaceous Earth Where to Buy

Wondering where to buy diatomaceous earth? Follow this link :)


Have a beautiful week,


Founder of Bios Nutrients Inc.
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